• Question: What scientific goal would you like to achieve within the next 10years?

    Asked by ellierose to Suze on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suze Kundu

      Suze Kundu answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hi Ellie Rose 🙂

      I know that this doesn’t sound like a huge deal, but personally I just want to pass my PhD. I’m writing my thesis at the moment, which is really difficult for me, as writing doesn’t come naturally, especially being a scientist. I thought that I had got away with not having to write ever again!

      I really hope that the last three years of hard work have been worth it, so fingers crossed I’ll get through my thesis writing, then my verbal exam, and I’ll finally be Dr. Suze!

      Beyond that, a scientific goal that I’ve got a personal interest in is for the World to accept some alternative form of energy, whether it is my way of making hydrogen by water splitting using the sun, or something else. I think it’ really important for us to put a halt to any further damage to the Earth’s climate, if not for us then for future generations. There is so much more awareness of how humans are destroying the planet, and as a result we’re thinking about green cars, and reusing non-plastic bags, and recycling, etc. They are only little things, but if everyone continues to change small things in their lives, it would make a HUGE difference to the planet.

      What are your hopes for the future of science?
