• Question: Hi I am in year 12 and am in the process of deciding what to study in university. What carrers can you do after studying Biochemistry?

    Asked by thecatalyst to Will, Mike on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: William Eborall

      William Eborall answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hi thecatalyst. With a biochemistry degree the world is your oyster (OK maybe I’m a bit biased).

      Friends that graduated with me went in to teaching, journalism, management, biomedical science (working in hospital labs), the forensic science service, medical degrees, masters courses, PhDs, sales & marketing, law degrees and local government. And once you’ve worked in different fields you gain whole new career paths.

      I even know a research fellow who worked in my lab that left to become a photographer/artist using microscope images and Photoshop to make art.

    • Photo: Mike Dodd

      Mike Dodd answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hey thecatalyst, James has listed a good many jobs that biochemists can get after university. I have worked in industry (making vaccines for flu) and am currently doing a PhD. A biochemsisty degree really opens the doors to many different jobs. It teaches you many skills which you can use to be a teacher, a doctor or the completely different field like marketing. I hope to work for the Wellcome trust when I finish my PhD. I want to encourage young people, like yourself to pursue a career in science, esp biochemistry.

      My degree allowed me to travel to America, twice. This gave me a great experience into what science is like in different countries, but also different areas. I looked into how alzheimer’s developed or how drinking too much liquid (something like 10 pints liquid in a short time) can led to your brain swelling.

      Hope that helped, just comment if you would like to know any more 🙂
