• Question: have you got a plan for the chemistry demo, or would you start on the demo planning if you win the prize money?

    Asked by nmizdrak to Suze on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suze Kundu

      Suze Kundu answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Good question!

      I think that the aim of my demo would be to make people realise that chemistry is involved in everyone’s lives, every day, and if you can understand how it works, it’s a really magical thing.

      The demo that I hope to do, if I’m lucky enough to win the funding, would be something that I can easily do in schools, and would be based on some classic interactive experiments with exploding gloves, and smoke pouring from glasses at the front bench, and would definitely include at least one version of ice cream making, because it’s got to be fun to make people interested. If I promised you ice cream in exchange for your attention for 45 minutes while I talk excitably about chemistry to you, would you be more likely to listen?! I think so 🙂 So hopefully, while I’ve got everyone’s attention, I would be able to make people realise the importance and enjoyment of chemistry 🙂

      Do you have any experiments that you’ve seen before that you would like to see again? I’m open to ideas, and the more feedback the better!
